Lodge Blog |
IRIS Masonic Lodge No 444 Summer
Barbecue 2008 |
Earlier in the year the
lodge agreed to hold a Barbecue at the
Freemasons Hall Mealough, Carryduff
with all proceeds in aid
of the Grand Masters Festival.
After all the good weather we
had experienced in early June it was typical that the weather forecast for
the weekend of our first ever Lodge BBQ was to be wet and windy and unlike
the typical forecasts it was spot on.
Not to be put off by
water falling out of the sky W. Bro Lutton, suitably attired in wet suit and
assisted by W. Bros White and Kettyle arrived up at the hall early to start
setting things up. |


And not to be undone W.
Bro. Holden arrives a little bit later to lend a hand |
It didn’t take too long
before the tables and chairs where set-up in the hall and a couple of
gazebos erected outside, one to provide shelter for the BBQ’s and the other
for the smokers.
Initially it was the
intention that everyone would cook their own food but because of the bad
weather it was decided that this would not be a good idea and instead W.
Bros Holden and White volunteered to do all the cooking.

This worked very well but as the night went on a few people got a bit
impatient and like the old sayings: “You can please some of the people some
of the time but not all of the people all the time” and Too many cooks spoil
the broth” come to mind!!! Eventually everyone got fed and watered ready
for the entertainment and a bit of crack. |
Music was provided by
the legendary George Russell and Norman Crumie who gave up their time freely
and thoroughly entertained everyone with their repertoire of songs delivered
in their own unique style. |

It is worth mentioning that they were even accompanied
by their own travelling groupies
– is that W. Bro. Russell in the blue sweater? |
Throughout the evening
W. Bros. Jimmy Walker, Jimmy McKeown and Billy Watson made sure everyone was
kept well lubricated
Jimmy Walker even had
time for a song or two – watch out X-Factor! |
No evening would be
complete without a ballot and this was no exception. Prizes ranging from the
usual bottles of whiskey, wine etc to kitchen clocks where supplied by the
brethren of the lodge.
After each winning
ticket was pulled out there where the usual shouts of “fixed” followed by
roars of laughter.
Heres a few more we
pics of the evening-
The worshipful Master W.
Bro. McCallum and W. Bro. Lutton got the ballot underway |
Bro. McCallum’s mother-in-law claiming her prize |
Bro. White’s daughter collecting her prize |
The Worshipful Master
with W.Bro Dalton
who cannot contain his emotions as he recoups the price of his ballot ticket |
There’s that groupie again – and low and behold it is W. Bro Russell
J |
Bro Boyd – busy in the kitchen - not!!
and is that Jimmy McKeown in the background with more drink? |
The Worshipful Master taking the chair with his usual flamboyant fashion |
Members of W. Bro. White’s family having a laugh
while W. Bro Armour in the stripe shirt is getting his orders!! |
Some of the ladies having a wee jig! |
Four dodgy boys outside clearing up the BBQ |
Worshipful Master and family having a chuckle
Who is that behind them? – could it be W. Bro. McKeown with more drink -
again!! |
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